ESHRE 40th Annual Meeting

We’re excited to be at ESHRE again this year, just like every year! Come and visit us at stand 12076. This year, we’re thrilled to introduce our new Japanese partner, Varinos, and their innovative endometrial microbiome test. We can’t wait to see you...

Our workshop was a resounding success!

We examined different methods and products for sperm preparation. We know that proper handling of sperm significantly increases the chances of fertilization, thanks to the embryologists who attended our workshop, representing various clinics in Sweden. Nidacon...

Is transportation without cold chain safe?

Concerns may arise regarding the effect of extreme weather conditions on product performance. To address these concerns, all Nidacon products undergo rigorous testing for elevated temperatures up to 50°C and down to -18°C over a span of 5 days. The results of these...